This page lists current translation status for all one-time translations other than those that had been moved to the “divisional” category. All of the translation status below are grouped by the platform where the translation is published, or by organization or working groups if there’s no common platform, sorted alphabetically.
Go back to the page earlier for links to view current status for other types of translations.
YouTube is an online video platform. The list of translation here were mostly for subtitle and description translation from the time when YouTube accepts community contribution. I do not translate all videos from any particular channel, instead I only translate whatever I’m interested in and coincidentally had the time to do so. Some of the subtitle might not be available anymore, depending on what YouTube had decided for the specific video when they removed the community contribution feature.
Some of the source subtitle file I create and the converted subtitle file uploaded is available on GitHub. Some of the earlier subtitle were made in SBV or SRT format, while the later subtitle were made in ASS format and converted to YTT format using YTSubConverter. All subtitles made were in Rumi Malay, this is because YouTube did not support Jawi Malay at the time I created the subtitles, and still not supported as of 31 July 2021.
A.I.Channel is the channel of the virtual talent, Kizuna AI, who began her activities in December 2016. She became the first Virtual YouTuber starting up her own channel with her slogan being “I want to connect with everyone.”, appeared on different programs including television shows and commercials, not just in Japan but worldwide.
YouTube Channel + Website + Twitter + TikTok + Spotify + Facebook + Instagram
Translated video (Japanese to Malay):
- Kizuna AI - Hello, Morning (Prod.Nor) (Subtitle was published in September 2018)
Foxen Anime
Foxen Anime is an awesome anime channel with high quality anime videos uploaded weekly, covering anime news, anime lore, anime theories, and also anything related to Isekai Anime, and specific anime titles like Re:Zero, Konosuba, My Hero Academia, Sword Art Online, Attack on Titan Season 4, and specific manga title like Attack On Titan, and many more.
YouTube Channel + Patreon + Twitter + Facebook
Translated video (English to Malay):
- KonoSuba Author CONFIRMS KonoSuba Season 3 Possible & HEREʼS WHY! (Subtitle was published in June 2018)
HIMEHINA Channel is the channel of the duo virtual talent, Tanaka Hime and Suzuki Hina. They do a lot of song covers and original songs as well as variety shows and skits. They love to make people laugh and smile, have fun, and sing.
YouTube Channel + niconico + bilibili + Website + Tanaka Hime Twitter + Suzuki Hina Twitter
Translated video (Japanese to Malay):
- 【鈴木ヒナ】新しいオンナ、ヒナ (Subtitle was published in October 2018)
- 【準備投稿】REC00 田中ヒメ (Subtitle was published in October 2018)
- 【ヒナ降臨】親方ァ!空からバーチャルYoutuberが・・! (Subtitle was published in October 2018)
- HIMEHINA『 ヒトガタ 』MV (Subtitle was published in July 2019)
Mirai Akari Project
Mirai Akari is a Virtual YouTuber (Vtuber) who is forgetful but loves to make fun videos and song cover.
YouTube Channel + Website + Twitter + Instagram + TikTok
Translated video (English to Malay):
- ECHO/ミライアカリ【歌ってみた】 (Subtitle was published in June 2019)
Technology Connections
Technology Connections is a channel by a guy that has vague musings, makes terrible jokes, and worrying about everything a bit too much. His videos also contain endless puns and smirk commentary in the closed caption at the end of most recent videos.
YouTube Channel + Twitter + Patreon
Translated video (English to Malay):
- Closed Captioning: More Ingenious than You Know (Subtitle was published in June 2019)
The Anime Man
The Anime Man, also known as Joey, is a Japanese-Australian dude who talks about anime and does other dumb fun stuff.
YouTube Channel + Twitch + Patreon + Twitter + Instagram
Translated video (Japanese to Malay):
- 普段動画で日本語を喋らないハーフが字幕無しで… (Subtitle was published in June 2018)